Thursday, April 26, 2012

Summer Goals

Okay, so in the midst of finishing all my classes I sorta failed at the whole running thing. Kind of a lot. But worry not my friends, I'm definitely not quitting!! I finally finished all my classes and summer is here so no I can focus on my running and whatnot. My goal for the summer is to run or swim or do some kind of work out activity pretty much everyday. Starting tomorrow :) Unless you count mini-golf as a work out, in which case I started today, hehe. I also want to start eating much healthier, which definitely has to start tomorrow because my dinner at In-N-Out was definitely not healthy (but it's just oh-so-tasty!!). So that's the plan, I'll let you know how it works out! :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm back!!

Hello all, it's been a while. I had spring break two weeks ago and I took the "break" part a little too literally, because I took a break from ALL THE THINGS. Including running :( It wasn't on purpose, I just was lame and didn't do it. And then the week after that I didn't do it either. Because I couldn't work up the motivation. But don't worry I'm not quitting! Luckily I have SkipperJovi and CowboyChaser's blog posts about running to inspire me because I read them and I decided to get back on the horse. So yesterday I got up early before clinical and ran a mile! It wasn't very long but it was at least something. And I ran it like a boss.
Here is my pinterest picture of the day. Someday I will have a six pack from running, but til then:
Bahahaha. Awesome.