Thursday, July 26, 2012

On Being Home, Family, and Push-Ups :)

Hey guess what? I'm back!! I spent an awesome month in Idaho with my brother and his family and even though it was super amazing and I'm going to miss them all terribly, I was pretty happy to be home. I missed my family and friends like crazy!! And now I have about a month left of Summer vacation before I start my senior year in college!! So crazy. Anywho, I will spend a lot of this month working and saving up money for school, but I also want to spend it working hard to get in shape and improve my running! Which brings me to some awesomeness:
1. Remember the healthy-habits competition in my last post? (If not, see last post :). Well we didn't end up tabulating points or anything, but I'm pretty sure if we did my sister-in-law would have beat me by a long-shot :) But it did give me the incentive to watch what I ate and stay active while I was up there, and I actually ended up losing a couple pounds which was a cool bonus. We were keeping track of points for the first couple weeks but then things got a little crazy with the new baby and all that jazz so we sorta slacked off on that. But we all decided that we would try again in August, even though I'll be back home. I'm not sure if they're actually planning on doing it, but I'm going to try and do it on my own in any case :)
2. So apparently whilst I was gone, the rest of my family decided it would be cool to be healthy too, so when I got home everyone was in health mode! My mom and some of my brothers have been working hard to eat healthy and exercise and have been losing weight and getting fit! Another of my brothers who lives out-of-state has been working on getting in shape with his wife and they have both been doing awesome! She has been running and he has been taking a Krav Maga class (Israeli self-defense, so awesome!). He was already a black-belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, so now he knows about a bagillion ways to kick butt :). So it's pretty awesome that everyone in my family wants to be healthy because it makes it so much easier to stay on track when everyone else is working towards the same goals!
3. I did 50 push-ups this morning!! The aforementioned brother who kicks butt is visiting with his family, and this morning he asked me if I wanted to do sit-ups and push-ups for an hour. At first I thought he was kidding, but he wasn't, so I thought, aw heck why not? (It should be noted that currently my muscles are screaming a very good reason why not, but I didn't think of that till later). So we turned on a Harry Potter movie and warmed up with 20 Hindu squats, and then alternated sets of 10 sit-ups and 10 push-ups. I decided to do knee push-ups (otherwise known as the "girly" kind, but hey, I'm a girl :), but he did the real kind. I didn't keep track of how many sit-ups I did, but it was somewhere in the 50-60 range, and then my push-ups total was 50. I was pretty impressed with myself because I have zero upper body strength, but as you would expect my brother creamed me and did 100 push-ups. Because he is crazy awesome like that. After we finished I felt like Jell-o, but he felt like it was time to lift weights and have a boxing lesson. Both of which we did. So now I feel like oober-Jell-o, but at least I know how to punch someone in the face correctly, and I can feel all the pride of accomplishment of having done more push-ups and sit-ups than I have done in a very looooong time. :)
My goal for this coming month is to keep working out every day and get back into running. I also will probably throw some pilates in there because I recently remembered that I love it.
In other news, I discovered the truth of this statement this morning around push-up number 27:
Yay for Pinterest. And push-ups :)