Wednesday, November 28, 2012

In which Bonster returns and joins a gym

Hey everyone, I'm back!!
I know you all missed me right? Okay probably not. But I got sick of not working out and blogging helps me keep on task so here I am :) It's been four months since last I blogged, and it's pretty much been four months since I worked out (I know...awful right?). Well, that's not entirely true, I went for a little jog or took my dog for short walks here and there, but nothing too regular or strenuous. I just got so immersed in schoolwork that the time was flying by and I lost track of my fitness goals. BUT, worry not, I haven't given up. On the day after Thanksgiving my brother told me that the gym he goes to was having a great deal, so I joined!! I have only ever been to a gym once in my life and I just did the cycle with my friend so we could watch the CMAs (which was super fun) but I was still a little scared to join the gym. But I decided to do it anyways, and so far I love it!! It's great because when I'm at home and I try to work out I always know that right in the next room there's a fridge full of food, and right upstairs is my lovely bed. The gym, however, is full of equipment and people working out and no food or beds or temptations to quit. It's so much easier to be in the work-out zone when I'm there, especially when I work out with my brother! He usually works out for an hour or two pretty much every day, so when I go with him I definitely have to pace myself and not go too hard to quickly. Or if I'm feeling lazy I just take a separate car so I can leave after 30-45 minutes. Either way I kinda feel super awesome when I go. Granted pretty much everybody at the gym is running laps around me, but if I stick with it then six months from now I'll be right up there with them!
So far I've only worked out there three times (but I only joined last Friday so it's acceptable :). The first time I did an hour with my brother, we started with the Elliptical. We went 20 minutes and I thought, hey this was a nice work out, my heart rate is up, I'm sweating, looks like I can go home right? Wrong! Apparently it was just a warm up. So then we spent 20 minutes stretching, and then we lifted weights and did lunges and those platform-stepper things and I finished on the bike while he ran on the treadmill. Then I had a really hard time walking up the stairs for the next two days. Then we went again on Tuesday night, and did pretty much the same things but with a little less stretching and a little more lifting, and he worked out for about an hour longer than I did. Then today we went again and he tried to teach me how to play racquetball, which I pretty much fail at, but it was still fun and a great work out! My face hasn't been this red in a long time!!
So that's about it, I'm pretty stoked to belong to a gym and I'm ready to get back on the working-out bandwagon. Also, in honor of my new gym membership, I bought work out pants. From Wal-Mart. For 9 bucks. And I LOVE THEM. They are so light and comfy :) I think I will wear them every day from now on.
That is all. :)

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