Thursday, May 31, 2012


So for pretty much my whole life I have hated running. It's too hard, it hurts, and it is just not fun. But guess what? I've gotten to the point where I absolutely LOVE IT!! Which is weird for me. Don't get me wrong, it's still too hard, it still hurts, and most of the time it makes me feel like I have to throw up, but somehow it still feels amazing. This is the first time in my life when I have somewhat-consistently gone running on a regular basis for a couple of months, and it makes me so happy that I can actually make myself get out there and crank out a mile or two anytime I want to! I never thought I would be a runner, and really I will never run marathons or anything like that, and I'm definitely not where I want to be yet, but it still just feels amazing to be able to do the little bit that I can do now.   :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Personal Best

When I woke up this morning I decided I was going to break some kind of personal record. My record for distance is two miles and my record for fastest mile is 12:38. I wasn't feeling up to running more than two miles so I decided to go my fastest mile. So I hopped on the treadmill and started to run like crazy. I had to slow it down a couple times because my heart started to freak out and my lungs decided they needed a mini vacation, but mostly I was going over five miles an hour, and for part of it I was even up to 6 and 7 miles an hour, which is pretty great for me because I usually stick to about 4.5 or less. I wanted to quit around .7 miles but then I said, hey self, are you crazy? You are almost there. So I kept going till the end, and my finish time was 11:53!!! Which is officially the fastest I have ever run a mile in the entirety of my life, which is pretty thrilling. Of course it's hard to find it thrilling at the moment because I am shaking and I feel like I need to throw up, but in a few minutes, I will probably do a victory dance! Or maybe just go watch some victory television :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Today I realized that one week ago was the three-month anniversary of me beginning to run (except let's be honest, I sort of skipped a month in the middle). I also realized that after all this time I'm still only doing a mile every time I run. What is that about? It's not that I can't run more, it's mostly that I get bored after a mile and I quit, which is lame. So this morning I decided to go two miles, and I did! I think I could have gone even farther if I hadn't started sprinting around 1.5 miles, but it's fun to sprint so I did it anyways, and now my face looks like a tomato :) My next goal is to be up to 3 miles by next Saturday, which will be as far as I've ever run at once in my entire life, so that will be fun. Then I'll try and work up to 4 miles by next month. :) !
In other news, here is my favorite Pinterest meme of the day:

So true!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I was going to run this morning, but I slept in and then it was hot outside and I just wasn't feelin' it. So instead I decided to jog up and down my stairs, which I did about 20 times, and then my legs felt a little jelly-like, so it worked pretty well. It was actually good because I always run/walk on flat surfaces so my up and down muscles don't get a lot of work, so this probably helpful. In total I did 301 steps up and 301 steps down, so that was fun. Annnd that's all, hopefully I will work up enough motivation to go running in the morning :)
P.S. Remember how I started back up with running again last week? (If not see previous post). I went running twice and swimming once and I also watched what I ate, and I dropped three pounds in a week! Why didn't I think of this whole running thing ten years ago? I would be doing marathons by now :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good: I finally got my butt out of bed early and went running this morning! And surprisingly it felt amazing. I ran about a mile and then walked a quarter of a mile, and I thought it would be completely miserable, and while it did pretty much wipe me out, it also felt really good to run again! Which for me is pretty much unheard of, so that was cool.

The Bad: Unfortunately I haven't been good about running for the past few weeks, so I pretty much lost everything I had gained. A month ago I could have cranked out a mile no problem, but this one pretty much killed me. Note to self (and all of you): JUST KEEP RUNNING! If you do even a little bit everyday, you'll keep working those running muscles, so it won't hurt as much to run as it would if you stopped for weeks like I did :)

The Ugly: Remember when we talked about how if you look good after your work-out then you didn't work hard enough? Let's just say I was definitely working hard :)

And now? TO BREAKFAST!! :)