Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good: I finally got my butt out of bed early and went running this morning! And surprisingly it felt amazing. I ran about a mile and then walked a quarter of a mile, and I thought it would be completely miserable, and while it did pretty much wipe me out, it also felt really good to run again! Which for me is pretty much unheard of, so that was cool.

The Bad: Unfortunately I haven't been good about running for the past few weeks, so I pretty much lost everything I had gained. A month ago I could have cranked out a mile no problem, but this one pretty much killed me. Note to self (and all of you): JUST KEEP RUNNING! If you do even a little bit everyday, you'll keep working those running muscles, so it won't hurt as much to run as it would if you stopped for weeks like I did :)

The Ugly: Remember when we talked about how if you look good after your work-out then you didn't work hard enough? Let's just say I was definitely working hard :)

And now? TO BREAKFAST!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Huzzah! I am going to run today too! GO US!

    And yay for summer and TIME to run.
