Friday, February 24, 2012

Personal Record

So remember how I was going to exercise every day this week? Well that sorta flopped, so today I decided I was going to run two miles to make up for it. And guess what? I DID IT!!!!!! It took me 29 minutes and 54 seconds so it was slow, but I did it at a pretty steady pace and even sprinted the very end because my body wanted to quit around 1.8 miles and I had a mini-epic battle between my body and my brain, and luckily my brain won because no WAY was I gonna quit when I was that close, so I sped up to get there faster :)
I still can't really believe I just did that because that is officially the farthest I have ever run in my entire life. For reals.
Fittingly, the song that came on my ipod right after I finished was Feelin' Good by Muse. So perfect. And now I feel like doing a victory dance, but I can't because my body has become jello.
So even though I can't move, this is what I'm doing on the inside:

Monday, February 20, 2012


Okay, I know I said slow and steady wins the race, but slow and steady is also sometimes boring. Sometimes I like to sprint and then slow jog and then sprint and then slow jog etc., which I did today, and it was fun, because I like to sprint. However by knees do not like it when I sprint but that is another story. Anywho, today I did 1.25 miles with intervals and then another mile on my airdyne bike to cool off. And that is how I traveled 2.25 miles without moving more than 4 feet so that was cool.
In other news, my goal for this week is to work out every day. I might not run every day, but I'll do that at least 3 or 4 days and the other days I will ride my bike or walk or do jumping jacks or something. But I just think that when I don't work out one day it's too easy not to the next day, so I'm going to try to do at least a little bit every day. I'll let you know how that goes in a week :)

In conclusion, this is my favorite thing from Pinterest of the day:
Good thing I always look awful after I work out eh? :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jelly Legs

Today I decided I wanted to do some uphill work, because as I have mentioned before, my body has no uphill muscles. So I did a half a mile on my treadmill with just regular jogging, and then I ran up and down my staircase 10 times. My staircase has 16 steps and so with 10 times up and down I ran 160 steps up and 160 down. Now my legs feel like jelly.
That is all. :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

MILE...for reals this time!

It turns out the tortoise was right, who knew?

Today I decided I was going to do a whole mile without stopping or slowing down. I figured out that one of my problems is treadmills are boring, so I try to run fast to get it over with and then I get worn out really quickly. So this time I decided to run slower and keep the same pace the whole time. I also decided that I would listen to Adele to make the treadmill less boring. And it worked!! I didn't feel like I was going to fall over and die or anything. In fact I felt so good that I did a mile on my bike after I was done running. And since I wasn't going too fast my breathing was pretty steady so I could mouth along the words to Set Fire To the Rain instead of gasping for breath, which is always a plus:)
Anywho, now I have to go write a paper. Bye!
P.S. SkipperJovi was right, running does make you energized! I thought I would need a nap or something after my run but really I just feel like doing all of my homework and my laundry and cleaning my house! Okay maybe I'll just stick to the homework for now, but still :) Thanks for the tip Jovi!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Slacking is lame

Okay so the last couple days I have been a slacker with my running. Which is silly because it is way too soon in my running journey to be slacking. But if it makes you feel any better, I did work out, I just didn't run. My work out consisted of about 25 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, a bunch of squats and lunges, and other stuff like that. It really wasn't that much but it left me crazy sore because I never use those muscles :P
Anywho, it was nice to work some muscles, but I still was being lame by not running. In my defence I had a LOT of homework ;) So I promise to repent and run real good tomorrow :) I also will maybe try jogging uphill, to work my uphill muscles which are currently much dilapidated.
That is all.
Peace out. :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Finding comfy athletic shoes has been kind of a problem for me over the course of my lifetime. I have no arches in my feet and so I need shoes with arches. Unfortunately I hate shoes that have arches, which is kind of a problem for me. Then one day, very recently, I found these:
WomensChampionWomen's Octoflex Performance Runner
And I thought, hey, those look cool, so I tried them on. It was kind of like trying on clouds. And they were on sale for 20 bucks!! So I bought them, and they are wonderful. They are very comfy and light weight, and when I wear them I just want to bounce around in them. Also, as an added bonus, they don't give me shin splints when I run. Woo!
In short, I love them. They are not for distance running, and they probably won't last for a super long time, but for the level I am at right now, they are perfect.
That is all. :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Guess who just ran an (almost) mile! Me!! Okay I can't count is as running a whole mile because I had to slow down and walk for about a tenth of a mile in the middle, but other than that I ran the whole way, (assuming you use my friend CowboyChaser's definition of running as going faster than walking, and since I agree wholeheartedly with this definition, I'm going to count what I just did as running :).
I was planning on running 3/4 of a mile today, but when I got up to around .7 miles (thank heaven for the distance tracker on treadmills, it makes it easier on my weird math brain), I remembered that CowboyChaser challenged me to a mile today, and I decided to do it, so I did it. Yay! It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It hurt at first because I was sore but after a while it was like whatever. :) Actually my heart started to freak out a little bit around 8.5 miles, but I just slowed down a little (but still jogging) and kept going till I finished. It was pretty fun.
In other news, I love pinterest, because it shows me things like this to make me feel better about myself:

Monday, February 6, 2012


So it turns out, it's cool to be sore. Because when you are sore that means you did something to make you sore, which means you are building your muscles, which is cool. My logic is undeniable yes? Okay now hold that thought:
On Saturday, my friend had a birthday party. And she had this most fabulous idea to have her party at a playground, so we could be 12 for a day. Thus, at about 3:30 on Saturday afternoon I found myself running around a jungle gym being chased around by kids between the ages of 6 and 21. After about an hour and a half of running around, climbing things, swinging, jumping, and engaging in all manner of frolicking and frivolity, I was pretty much tuckered out. And two days later my muscles still ache, which is awesome, because as we have just established, being sore is cool. Overall it was pretty much the coolest idea for a birthday party ever, because not only was it super fun, but it was a great work out. I should definitely run around a playground more often.
On a separate and completely unrelated note: it is a very bad idea to try to go running uphill at night right after you go to a movie during which you drank a bunch of sprite. It doesn't work out too well. Just so you know :) My advice: run before the movie and skip the sprite.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

So this one time...

...I thought to myself, hey self, it would be cool if you could run 6 miles straight. About four years later I thought, hey why not? So I started to run. That was two days ago. So far so good. And then my friends said hey, you should blog about running so that you have to do it because everyone will know you are running, so I thought, hey why not. And that is the story of how I come to be on this blog.
The end. Well not really.
I pretty much have always hated running, and I think the most I have ever run in my life at one time was a mile, and that was a long time ago. So why did I make this goal of running 6 miles? I have no idea. But I did, so I'm gonna do it, because quitting is lame.
So far, since I started running, I have run twice. Keep in mind I only started two days ago so it's not all that surprising that I've only gone twice. The first time I decided I'd try half a mile. I went half a mile at 5mph on my treadmill, and I almost died, but I did it. That might seem like a tiny bit of running to you, and it wasn't very fast, but for me it was a whopper, so I am impressed with myself.
Today I went again, but I decided I could go further if I alternated between walking, jogging, and running. So I started out with a tenth of a mile walking (at 3mph), then another tenth of a mile jogging (5mph), and everything was going great, so I decided to do another tenth of a mile running (at 7mph), and I almost fell over, and my heart freaked out a little bit, so after that I stuck to walking and jogging. Hence, after 15 minutes I had done .4 miles walking, .5 miles jogging and .1 mile running. Added up that equals a MILE. That's right, a mile. BAM.
Okay so it wasn't that impressive but I'm working on it :)
In conclusion, this picture pretty much sums up my life:
