Friday, February 24, 2012

Personal Record

So remember how I was going to exercise every day this week? Well that sorta flopped, so today I decided I was going to run two miles to make up for it. And guess what? I DID IT!!!!!! It took me 29 minutes and 54 seconds so it was slow, but I did it at a pretty steady pace and even sprinted the very end because my body wanted to quit around 1.8 miles and I had a mini-epic battle between my body and my brain, and luckily my brain won because no WAY was I gonna quit when I was that close, so I sped up to get there faster :)
I still can't really believe I just did that because that is officially the farthest I have ever run in my entire life. For reals.
Fittingly, the song that came on my ipod right after I finished was Feelin' Good by Muse. So perfect. And now I feel like doing a victory dance, but I can't because my body has become jello.
So even though I can't move, this is what I'm doing on the inside:

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