The end. Well not really.
I pretty much have always hated running, and I think the most I have ever run in my life at one time was a mile, and that was a long time ago. So why did I make this goal of running 6 miles? I have no idea. But I did, so I'm gonna do it, because quitting is lame.
So far, since I started running, I have run twice. Keep in mind I only started two days ago so it's not all that surprising that I've only gone twice. The first time I decided I'd try half a mile. I went half a mile at 5mph on my treadmill, and I almost died, but I did it. That might seem like a tiny bit of running to you, and it wasn't very fast, but for me it was a whopper, so I am impressed with myself.
Today I went again, but I decided I could go further if I alternated between walking, jogging, and running. So I started out with a tenth of a mile walking (at 3mph), then another tenth of a mile jogging (5mph), and everything was going great, so I decided to do another tenth of a mile running (at 7mph), and I almost fell over, and my heart freaked out a little bit, so after that I stuck to walking and jogging. Hence, after 15 minutes I had done .4 miles walking, .5 miles jogging and .1 mile running. Added up that equals a MILE. That's right, a mile. BAM.
Okay so it wasn't that impressive but I'm working on it :)
In conclusion, this picture pretty much sums up my life:
Yeah! Love it!