Wednesday, February 15, 2012

MILE...for reals this time!

It turns out the tortoise was right, who knew?

Today I decided I was going to do a whole mile without stopping or slowing down. I figured out that one of my problems is treadmills are boring, so I try to run fast to get it over with and then I get worn out really quickly. So this time I decided to run slower and keep the same pace the whole time. I also decided that I would listen to Adele to make the treadmill less boring. And it worked!! I didn't feel like I was going to fall over and die or anything. In fact I felt so good that I did a mile on my bike after I was done running. And since I wasn't going too fast my breathing was pretty steady so I could mouth along the words to Set Fire To the Rain instead of gasping for breath, which is always a plus:)
Anywho, now I have to go write a paper. Bye!
P.S. SkipperJovi was right, running does make you energized! I thought I would need a nap or something after my run but really I just feel like doing all of my homework and my laundry and cleaning my house! Okay maybe I'll just stick to the homework for now, but still :) Thanks for the tip Jovi!

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